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Art Encyclopedia - Encaustic Painting

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Encaustic Painting
Also known as hot wax painting, encaustic painting involves the use of colour pigments added to heated beeswax. The mixture of beeswax and pigment is applied to surfaces such as prepared wood or artists canvas.

Various tools and special brushes are used to shape the paint before it cools. If the artist needs to shape or manipulate the wax after it has cooled, heated metal tools can be used on the cooled wax. Encaustic painting can involve both painting and sculpting techniques and other materials can be collaged or encased into the surface due to the binding properties of the beeswax.

In history encaustic painting techniques were used in mummy portraits from ancient Egypt. Twentieth century artists using encaustic painting include Jacqui Cornette, Jasper Johns and Mauricio Toussaint. | Contact Us | List Your Art | List Your Art Gallery | Site Map

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