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Art Movements in Art History - Post Impressionism

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Post Impressionism

Introduction to Postimpressionism
Postimpressionism is not easy to define. There is no general agreement on exactly what chronology is implied by the term or which artists are to be deemed Postimpressionists. When a large exhibition entitled Post impressionism: Cross Currents in European Painting was presented at the Royal Academy in London in 1979-I980, and then travelled to Washington, controversy on the imprecision of the term was revived more

Postimpressionism in France
What is undoubtedly true is that Impressionism provided the impetus for Postimpres-
sionism. Cezanne, Van Gogh, Gauguin and Seurat capitalised on the achievements of the
earlier movement: its contemporaneity, concern with the modern world, iconoclasm and technical audacity more

Post-impressionist Artists
Although Seurat is known as a Postimpressionist, he was an exponent of Neoimpressionism,
his own particular attempt to redefine Impressionism. He shared with the Impressionists a
desire to represent perceptual information, but he wished to achieve this in a scientific and
rational manner rather than depend wholly on the sensitivity of the eye to discern
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