Media - Watercolurs, Acrylic, Mix Media, Oil
Address - E1/5 Sudakshina estate(B), Kolkata-700047, West Bengal, India
Phone - 919433119536
Email - [email protected]
Website - http://www.nchanda.com
My childhood days were spent in rural Bengal amidst various hardships, it was a struggle to
carry on my studies and so there was no question of any formal training in painting. But the
resplendence of colours that life unfolds in the varied canvases of experience had entrenched
a deep facination in my mind. I was and still am enrapture with the element and primordial
forces that lie nascent and unchanging even as the world around us shifts from one hue to the
other. For me therefore, the figure of woman in all her splendour and subduedness has remined
the predominant influence in life as well as art-in the simple aspects of her daily life, in
her raging anger and benevolence as witnessed through folk tales, mythology and other sources.
The complex and gyrating lines in my paintings are a symbolic quest for this primeval force
embedded in her. I have tried to capture her in various moods-of rapturous contentment or
desolation, as a mother figure or as blushful maiden and so on, emphasizing in all these
varying panegyrics the mystery of life that surreptitiously keeps writing its own story of