Media - Painting, Photography, Objects
Email - [email protected]
Website - www.liqueschoot.nl
Lique Schoot exclusively paints herself. She is making self-portraits for more
than 10 years now. As of October 2003, she has been making a picture of herself every day.
These photographs act as visual diaries. Some of the images started out digitally and these
are used as a basis for her paintings.
The artist tries continuously challenge photography and painting; the strongly
lightened self-portraits refer to studied exposures in the studio. While the paintings keep
their instantaneous character of the snapshots, this brevity disappears, or perhaps better, is
compromised, by the time needed for the painting procedure itself.
Nevertheless, her self-portraits are snapshots (rather than instantaneous
scenes) from her daily life, with additional information provided by the backgrounds: Lique
Schoot on the sofa, in the bathroom, in the garden, etc. Thus, she exposes herself in
different ways, differently dressed, and with varying feelings, moods and emotions.
Thus, by the act of the painting her life out, Lique distances herself somewhat
from her life and her work rises above the plain self-portrait. Doing this she makes herself
purposely vulnerable to the spectator, delivering a "suggestion", or a
"fragment of life", rather than just a portrait, a graphic novel in which she acts
her own life out.
Lique is simply and uniquely portraying an every day woman from the Netherlands. Like the
female nude of the renaissance, her beauty stands on its own and in her own time.