Media - Mixed Media, Sculpture
Website - http://byjohan.se
Johan was born in Luleå, Sweden in 1966. Except for a few years in Stockholm and
Gothenburg he has worked and studied in Luleå. He now divides his time between Luleå
and a small village outside Skellefteå, where his studio is located.
The visual art: It is sculpture in mixed media - metal, wood, fabrics, tar, leather, wire,
welding filler, silicone, rust. The basis is usually metal, and usually items/materials used in
agriculture and forestry. The interest, however, lies in the combination of these rural
materials/items and urban ones like plastic, rubber, silicone, parts of dolls and toys…
"Junk art" might be the term when it comes to choice of "material". When it
comes to artistry, terms like "art brut" or "outsider art" are better
His art is basically a process which often results in humans, figures, postures, poses. The
working process more than often makes use of chance.