Media - Watercolors, Pen and Ink, Colour Pencils, Digital Art, Etching
Phone - (702)565-6216
Website - www.michaelrmahalakstudio.com
Email - [email protected]
I've developed a unique style of art, one that I feel is
not only aesthetically pleasing, but speaks volumes as to
the beauty and complexity of life, speaks in a way that I
can not speak with my voice. Through this style of art, I
explore my inner soul and seek peace as I fragment
beautiful objects into multiple three-dimensional-like
shapes. My style of art is a form of fractionalism. I try to
make each of my subjects appear like a stain glass
image. To some, this style is “ugly”, “too confined”, and
“too harsh”. To others, it is breathtaking. I use bright,
vivid, contrasting colors to define nature and humanity. I
draw and paint life. Sometimes this life is a simple
landscape. Often this life is animal or human. I
frequently draw or paint scenes from my religions
background- Adam and Eve, Moses, and many others
that are my spiritual heroes.
I want to give people hope, to tell them that the world is
not so terrible. We are blessed. 9-11 and other
tragedies suck that hope away. I try to put it back. I
avoid disturbing images that depress. Life can be happy;
it can be so good. My art and my life testify of
goodness. At least, I try to make them testify of