It may seem like adult daters oftentimes prefer casual hookups over long-term relationships, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want date nights. Even one-night stands have to start somewhere, and that’s rarely in a hotel room. Spending some time together before engaging in the fun part is vital. Nowadays, the connection usually starts online. But what do you put between video chat and a hookup date? Artistic types can use the ideas we’ll list below.

Problems of Finding a Partner for Adults

Getting dates and hookups for adults is usually possible in clubs and bars, but that requires a lot of financial and emotional effort. Drinks are getting pricier. It doesn’t feel nice when you try to flirt, and someone looks at you like you’re lame for trying. And even though hookup culture is supposed to be omnipresent, many people still stick to traditional dating scenarios. Moreover, getting older poses additional obstacles on the way.

Even if we look at online dating, on general dating sites, people risk being labeled as creeps if they hint that they prefer hookups over relationships. And even those skilled in flirting have to spend time checking if people they like want the same. And then, they have to hope they’re in the same area. A lot of stuff can go wrong.

Various Opportunities on Local Dating Sites

The generic dating sites where most people want to find serious partners are opposite to local casual sites. There everyone seeking adult hookups has a much higher chance because all other members have the same goal in mind. Advanced filters ensure there’s no wasting time chatting with people who live too far away. Smooth video chat lets people meet face-to-face before the first date. That helps to have better dates once they meet, which in the end means they will have a pretty good idea about what to expect from the offline date.

Clever Ideas for an Adult Date

Every date night idea serves to set the mood, so we’ll list 5 artistic date ideas that should be a smooth intro into the rest of the night. The ideas below are great for couples who meet online, through friends, by accident, or in any other way.


The only prerequisite is to be on the same page about your goals and have at least partially similar tastes in terms of entertainment at the date. Check to see what ideas resonate with you to arrange a perfect introduction to your adult hookup.

Art Gallery

Visiting a local art gallery is a classic idea for the first date between two artistic people. If one is an actual artist, looking at other people’s art may help overcome an art block. But even if no one can draw a straight line, absorbing the beauty of art won’t just help a couple relax but also learn more about each other.

Also, it will give them a lot of conversation topics that might be vital for the overall success of a date. It rarely happens that two people who spend hours together without talking really enjoy the night and become closer to their date. But it’s common for people to struggle with keeping the conversation alive. Most of them are better at small talk if they have an obvious topic. And art galleries provide many.

Crafting or Art Class

Crafting or art classes offer an engaging opportunity for couples to bond while learning new skills and showing their artistic talents. Pottery, painting, or various crafting techniques… The choice is vast, so as long as a couple wants to learn, they’ll find the medium they both like.

Jamming Session

A jamming session is the perfect way for musical instrument enthusiasts and singers to bond over their love of music. This may be one of the best hookup activities because it can be done in a living room. Just grab instruments and play.


Maybe couples will show off their improvisation skills or play songs they both know together. We don’t know, but we all remember what Leonard’s and Leslie’s foreplay in Big Bang Theory looked like.

Retro Arcade Game Night

This is another perfect activity for any adult date. It can be quite inexpensive but very nostalgic and warm. It’s competitive. That’s all two singles need to start the night. Showing skills in classic games like Pac-Man and Street Fighter is always a smooth flirting method. Visit a local mall that provides a wide range of arcade activities and enjoy your date as if you are teenagers again.

DIY Wine or Beer Tasting

Why is it a good date night idea for adults? Well, it’s at home and based on pleasant alcoholic drinks. Should we say more?

Choose a selection of wines or beers to taste, focusing on different varieties or regions. Discuss flavors and notes as you enjoy a relaxed evening of tasting and conversation. Even if you don’t know anything about wine or beer, it will make you talk and drink.